Saturday, March 1, 2008

Oh, the funny things they say!

My kids have been a riot this week when it comes to giving comebacks. I thought all of you would enjoy a few classic comebacks.
I made the mistake of letting my children watch a show called "the Replacements' . In this show the kids get into a bind or want to fix someone they call in "a replacement' Katlyn told me she wished that could happen in real life. I asked who she would replace........She history teacher!!!!!! Ah, the joys of homeschooling!!!!

Before Burt gets home in the evenings the kids pick up the living room area. Well today Naaman said that he was a monster that ate the real Naaman and he couldn't clean. Unfortunately for the monster they have to clean at my house too. Unsatisfied with that answer, he announces that he didn't want to be clean he wanted to be in charge like me so he could fix dinner and do laundry.

Hope you are having a great week! I will be posting our weekly report tomorrow!!!

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